During the Certificate III in Individual Support you will develop the skills to get a job as an assistant in nursing, a personal care assistant in aged care or a personal care worker in disability. Elective streams you could choose from include ageing, disability, and home and community. This qualification requires at least 120 hours of practical work placement for successful completion.
A valid drivers licence will be required if you want to get a job that involves home care for clients, but is generally not required to complete the placement during your course.
If you would like to work in aged care, most employers will require you to undergo a criminal history check and working with children screening. Visit https://www.bluecard.qld.gov.au/employees/doineedabluecard.html for more information.
You might be eligible for funding through the Certificate III Guarantee Program or complete this qualification as a traineeship with funding through the User Choice Program. You might also be able to complete this course for free the year after you finish Year 12 through the Free Training for Year 12 Graduates funding.
Visit www.skillsgateway.training.qld.gov.au and talk to your teachers, VET coordinator, guidance officer and career advisor for more information on what’s available at your school because you might be able to do this during Year 11 and 12, or the year after you finish Year 12.