Transport Driver

- Name: Allan
- Job: Transport driver
- Location: Moreton Bay region, QLD
“Sometimes all you have
to do is listen.”
What tasks does your job include? What do you love about your job the most?
My job involves transporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients to medical and dental appointments. I collect clients from their homes and either take them to a health service or I transport them between two different health services, for example from a hospital to a health clinic, or to a pharmacy to collect medications. Often, I also need to provide assistance to patients with mobility issues.
What I love the most about my job is knowing that I am providing a service that is ensuring that people attend their medical appointments – without the transport service the client may not access the health services they need. Public transport is a barrier for some people, particularly those with mobility issues. I also enjoy the interaction with community Elders and having a yarn to them.
What was your study journey to get this job?
For this job I needed:
- Appropriate driver license
- Federal police and criminal history check
- A first aid and CPR certificate (which I was able to obtain after I started in the job)
- Current immunisations and vaccinations
What are your future plans for work and study?
I’m very happy in my job. I get great satisfaction out of my role but for a young person I can see great potential to use this job as a stepping stone for future study and other career opportunities within the health sector.
What is one thing about your study and/or job that you would love to share with people considering this career?
My job provides me with many rewards, particularly the satisfaction of providing a much-needed service to those that need it most. I have many regular clients and seeing improvements in their health over a period of time, because they have attended all of their health appointments, is very gratifying. When a person’s health improves their overall quality of life also improves and nothing is more important than that.
What skills and attributes would you consider critical to your success in your job?
It’s important to be able to drive a car or bus safely and to have the appropriate license. It’s also very important to be polite, well mannered, and well presented. Good communication skills are also integral to my job and this includes listening as well as talking.
“Sometimes all you have to do is listen”.
Lastly, confidentiality is important because clients may discuss private medical and health outcomes with you. You need to act with integrity and discretion, and have a good amount of “emotional intelligence’.