Senior Support Worker

- Name: Ira
- Job: Senior Support Worker
- Location: Rockhampton
"I always wanted a job that made a difference in people’s lives."
Why did you choose this field of work/job?
I always wanted a job that made a difference in people’s lives and the care industry allows me to care for people. I assist them in keeping their dignity throughout the later years of their life.
What tasks does your job include? What do you love about your job the most?
I assist clients to prepare and cook meals, shower and to keep a clean home – to live their life as they want to.
I love the relationships that I have developed with my clients as I know that I am having a positive impact and helping them to live with dignity in their own homes.
I have developed skills and created memories through my experiences that will stay with me for the rest of my life – from making the perfect scone to caring for a client who is bed bound but is still able to smile no matter how depressed or upset they with their situation.
What was your study journey to get this job?
When I left School in 2014, I enrolled to study a Certificate IV in Community Services. My course consisted of fortnightly classes. I would then take home a course guide with paperwork to complete before my next class.
After I finished my course, I secured a job as a support worker. Eighteen months later, I was successful in obtaining a part-time management job where I spend most of my time out in the field, and 8 hours a week in the office.
What are your future plans for work and study?
I intend to commence a course at the university within the next year. A course in Nursing is of particular interest to me.
What is one thing about your study and/or job that you would love to share with people considering this career?
Whilst working in aged care can be confronting and stressful at times, if you stick to it and build your skills it can be one of the most rewarding jobs that you can do. I have learnt so many things in my job – things that have shaped who I am as a person and what I want to do with my life. The people who I have met and cared for have been some of the best people I have ever had the privilege to meet and care for.
Care work is the fastest growing industry in the country and there will always be a job in it as we are an aging population.