
- Name: Kym
- Job: Midwife
- Location: Redcliffe, QLD
"If you want it, you will make it work."
Why did you choose this field of work/job?
I never knew what I wanted to be when I was a grown up until I was pregnant with my first born. I had some great midwives and some awful midwives and ended up having a not so desirable birthing experience. I felt uneducated and let down. It inspired me to become a midwife and ensure that all women felt supported, educated and safe within their childbearing journey.
What tasks does your job include?
Midwifery has many varied tasks. There are 4 distinct areas – birth suite, Antenatal care, postnatal ward and special care nursery. All areas hold their own skill set but essentially Midwifery is all about being “with women”.
What do you love about your job the most?
I love that every day it is so different. No two women birth or carry a pregnancy the same. The ongoing learning each and every day drives and motivates me.
What was your study journey to get this job?
I started university as a mature aged student at 30. I studied over 4 years at Australian Catholic University, Banyo campus and it was a mix of online and face to face lectures, tutes and labs. I also had to do over 1000 hours of prac hours within a hospital setting.
What are your future plans for work and study?
I’d love to eventually get into facilitation and education. Mentoring graduates or students or teaching and maintaining skills within the maternity unit.
What is one thing about your study and/or job that you would love to share with people considering this career?
The degree itself it very challenging. It has a high drop-out rate because of how time consuming it is. The course work plus the practical hours and the follow through are very time consuming. If you want it though, you will make it work.