Dental Practice Manager

- Name: Ebony
- Job: Dental Practice Manager
- Location: Brisbane, QLD
"Always look after your own health."
Why did you choose this field of work/job?
I originally accepted a job straight out of high school as a dental assistant. I was excited that I had been thought of for the role and given the opportunity at not just having a job, but the chance to build a career.
This opportunity coupled with the ability to work with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community meant that I would have the possibility to help my community in a way that could positively impact on our mobs way of life.
I worked hard and took every chance to advance my skills and knowledge about the dental field by studying and stepping into the roles of my supervisor to gain more responsibility.
My skills, knowledge and life experience have led me to the role of Dental Practice Manager.
What tasks does your job include? What do you love about your job the most?
I handle a range of tasks including staff rostering, budgeting, helping with client enquiries, and attending and helping to organise community events. It is part of my role to ensure that the clinic runs as smoothly as possible to ensure the delivery of high-quality healthcare to our patients.
I enjoy being able to work within the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. Not only do I get to help the community, but I also get to yarn with our people and know their stories. On more than one occasion I’ve heard clients say that they feel safe attending our clinic. I’m satisfied with the knowledge that I am part of a culturally diverse team that are helping to create a safe place for our mob to access healthcare.
Working with people from a range of different cultures means I get to share my cultural traditions while being able to learn about other cultures.
What was your study journey to get this job?
Since graduating from The Murri School in 2010 I have completed five certifications that have supported me in my growing career:
- Certificate III in Dental Assisting (2012)
- Certificate III in Business Administration (2012)
- Certificate IV in Dental Assisting (Radiography) (2014)
- Certificate IV in Dental Assisting (Oral Health Promotion)
- Certificate IV in Business Administration (for Dental Practice Managers).
Working is important to me, so I completed all these certificates online via distance education.
What are your future plans for work and study?
Self-development is important to me as an individual. My future goals are to attend university to complete a degree in Oral Health Therapy and hopefully gain employment within this field while continuing to work within The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.
What is one thing about your study and/or job that you would love to share with people considering this career?
I’ve gained an important understanding of the health conditions that affect our mob; my continuous education and my role have given me the opportunity to in turn help educate my community, friends and family to make deadly choices.
Helpful advice that I received was to not let things that are out of your control worry you, and to ensure you always look after your own health – physical and mental.