Assistant in Nursing – Logan, QLD

- Name: Kya
- Job: Assistant in Nursing
- Location: Logan, QLD
"I love the experience of meeting different people."
Why did you choose this field of work/job?
I am a proud young Indigenous descendant from the Yiman and Ghangalu countries. I had some interest in health and thought I would try out the Certificate II in Health Support Services at my school health training hub. When I first started, I was not sure if it was for me but as time went on, I really started to enjoy it. Our TAFE teacher, Sue, was very supportive and encouraged me to keep going so I decided to apply for an Assistant in Nursing (AIN) traineeship at Logan Hospital.
What tasks does your job include? What do you love about your job the most?
My role as a trainee AIN involves showering patients, assisting with the bathroom, setting-up or assisting with their feeding and being an emotional support person for them.
The work can go through stages where it is really busy and sometimes more quiet. During the quiet times I would be stocking items such as gloves and aprons. When it is busy, I go around to each of the rooms and ask the nurses if they need any help therefore being that support person for both the nurses and the patients.
I love the experience of meeting different people. Not every patient is the same, so you need to work out different ways to deal with each of them.
What was your study journey to get this job?
I started the Certificate II Health Support Services during school and commenced a school-based AIN traineeship at Logan Hospital halfway through year 11. Once I have completed my traineeship, I hope to apply for a casual Assistant in Nursing position at Logan Hospital.
What are your future plans for work and study?
I am aiming to complete my Certificate III in Individual Support AIN traineeship in early 2021. My future plans involve completing a Diploma of Nursing and then a Bachelor of Nursing at University.
Once I achieve my Assistant in Nursing qualification, I would like to work at the Hospital for a couple of years while studying my Diploma of Nursing at University.
Then when I achieve my Diploma in Nursing, I would again like to work for another couple of years and then go back to University and undertake my Bachelor of Nursing.
Once I complete my Bachelor of Nursing and work for another couple of years, I would like to go into Midwifery.
If it weren’t for the offerings and support provided by Mabel Park High School, I would never have finished school or be on this health career journey
What is one thing about your study and/or job that you would love to share with people considering this career?
Don’t just focus on one thing – I always said I wanted to do teaching before I started studying in health and then I found my passion. Keep an open mind about the different career pathways available to you.