John – farm accident

John is a sugar cane farmer in Northern Queensland. John has a farming accident severely severing his patellar tendon and ACL in his knee.
About the patient:
- John is a sugar cane Farmer in Northern Queensland.
- Lives on his farm with wife Catherine, his 3 young children and 2 dogs.
- John works very hard and has a crew of sugar cane Farmers who work alongside him on his property.
Diagnosis - Which roles helped?
- John has a farming accident severely severing his patellar tendon and ACL in his knee.
- John’s wife called emergency, explained the accident and Royal Flying Doctors (RFDS) are contacted to transport John to the nearest Hospital (3 hours drive away).
- A Patient Transport Officer and a Paramedic from RFDS arrive on the property.
- The Paramedic assesses John and bandages and stabilizes his knee and administers pain relief to ensure safe and comfortable transport to the hospital.
- The Patient Transport Officer and Paramedic gently move John onto a stretcher and into the plane. John is monitored on the way to the hospital.
Treatment - Which roles helped?
- John arrives at the Hospital and is rushed into Emergency. The Emergency Doctors and Nurses assess John’s condition.
- The Emergency Nurse asks John a series of questions relating to the accident and his general health.
- The Hospital Orthopedic Surgeon discusses the injury with John and the necessary surgery to re-attach the tendon and repair the ACL, the post-operative recovery and ongoing physical therapy. required.
- The Anaesthetist and Nurse Anaesthetist discuss with John the process of administering the anesthesia during the operation.
- John is then prepared for surgery by the Nurses and transported to the operating theatre by the Orderly.
- John is prepared for anesthesia by the Nurse Anaesthetist and these are administered by the Anaesthetist.
- The knee surgery is undertaken by the Surgeon with the assistance of the Theatre Nurses. John is monitored by the Anaesthetist throughout the surgery.
- John is transported by the Orderly to the Recovery Ward following his surgery. The Recovery Nurse monitors John as the anesthesia wears off.
- The Food Services Assistant ensures healthy food and drink is available to John in the Recovery Ward following the surgery.
- John is then transported by the Orderly to the Patient Ward where he will spend a few weeks recovering from surgery and rehabilitating his knee.
- During John’s hospital stay he is attended to and assisted by Nurses, Assistant in Nursing, the Orthopedic Surgeon and Doctors to monitor Johns progress. Food Service Assistants ensure healthy food and drink is available to John throughout his stay.
- Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists work together to develop a rehabilitation program for John’s care and recovery in hospital and post-discharge.
- Under the guidance of the Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapist, the Allied Health Assistants provide therapy and program related support to assist with rehabilitating John’s knee.
- John is back working on the farm on very light duties.
- Visiting physiotherapists, occupational therapists and allied health assistants all work together to continue to provide rehabilitative care both face-to-face and via telehealth.