Pharmacy Assistant

Community Pharmacy Assistants provide customer service and retail sales skills in Pharmacies, and sometimes dispense medicines.
Need to enjoy working with people.
Role Description:
Community Pharmacy Assistants provide customer service and retail sales skills in Pharmacies, and sometimes dispense medicines. They will complete tasks including:
- Stocking shelves
- Checking out items for purchase
- Controlling and ordering inventory
- Selling beauty and toiletry items
- Helping to dispense medicines
- Providing basic advice about health and medicines to customers.
Hospital Pharmacy Assistants complete tasks including:
- Preparing, dispensing and supplying medicines from a prescription under the supervision of a pharmacist
- Maintaining and reviewing stock levels of medicines
- Assist in the preparation of medicines
- Assisting with inventory management including ordering, receiving, storage, distribution and stocktake of medicines
- Assisting with customer service and patient care with relation to pharmaceutical healthcare.
Where you might work:
- You could work in a community (retail) pharmacy. Community Pharmacy Assistants require more customer service skills and will deal more with general health issues seen in the community.
- Hospital and Health Services
- Community care facilities
Personal attributes:
You will need to enjoy working with a broad range of people, as Community Pharmacy Assistants sell products and provide advice to a broad range of people. You will need to develop a general knowledge of health conditions and medications, so literacy and numeracy skills are important.
There is an age requirement to work in a pharmacy – The Queensland Health (Drugs and Poisons) Regulation 1996 stipulates that pharmacy assistant employees must be 16 years of age or more to be authorised to sell Pharmacy Only medicines.
Middle of the range starting salary in Australia: $46,400
(National Centre for Vocational Education Research, 2018.)